Inclusive Education of the LaValla Project -
LaValla Village, Villa Maria and in the Community
Upon successful completion of Grade 6 at LaValla Primary School, students with the capacity to go further are encouraged to continue their education, supported by a team of mentors, as part of the MSC Inclusive Education Program. For most this will mean commencing High School while others will attend Vocational Skills Program. For those who would not be able to access Secondary education in their local environment MSC provides Hostel accommodation and students attend Hun Sen High School Takhmao. MSC is not the primary carer for any of these students.
Essential elements of this program include:
• Accommodation in a place where their basic needs are met with families contributing in-kind where possible;
• Regular family visits during holidays;
• Transportation to and from school or university;
• Provision of essential educational supplies and school uniforms;
•Supplementary tuition in English, Mathematics and Computing;
• Individual mentoring;
• Regular medical examinations and personalised care, including surgery if required;
•Access to a range of rehabilitation services including physiotherapy.
Selection criteria for inclusion in the Inclusive Education Program include the following factors:
There is no viable alternative local school because of distance, accessibility or family circumstances;
The child has a record of good behaviour, application and engagement at the LaValla Primary School;
The child is motivated and able tolearn;
Parents or carers are willing to commit themselves to supporting their child and to meeting any requirements of theProgramme.
The LaValla Village provides improved accommodation facilities for the Secondary students while the Villa Maria site accommodates the University students. There are also a number of students attending Vocational Skills programs.
At the Village the students are encouraged to take responsibility for their own progress, for the development and maintenance of the facilities.
As well as bedrooms the village has dining / kitchen, sports facilities, classrooms fitted with computers for study, accommodation for staff and access to the LaValla health facility.
Non- Residential Community Program
There are a variety of aspects to this program. Young people who are supported are helped with one or a combination of the following: Health including medical, medicines and rehabilitation; School uniforms; school materials – stationery and text books; transport to and from school; extra classes; University students may receive support for tuition fees; students are visited in their homes by the program mediator; students are invited to join in special events such as the activities on the international day for people with disabilities.
When combined with the numbers of students in the Inclusive Education Residential program there are 200 young people being supported.